Self Reliance
When 2020 hit the world descended into mad shopping sprees and lack of food and even a shortage of the basics like toilet paper. As a couple we realised that we need to be slightly more prepared should the worst happen again so we began our journey of self reliance and food security with a goal to one day being completely self reliant. Our tiny home is completely off grid and hopefully one day our lives will be too.
Our Food Preperation
We started with You Tube videos and we learned many, many new skills.
We have purchased some of the equipment needed and we are working towards a future that has food security and self reliance in the bag.
We are not crazy food hoarders, we are just putting a little bit up so that should the worst happen again we will be ok and able to potentially help others.
We are using Dehydration, Canning and Pickling to preserve our food.