Krakow - Poland March 2022
Rynek Underground Museum
On our 2nd day in Poland, we decided, to visit the Rynek Underground Museum as a morning activity.
The mseum s located beneath the main square of Krakow.
Remains of an 11th century person are buried here.
Take a look at the video on YouTube here...
Heading back in time
We spent a happy morning exploring the underground excavations of the 13th century Krakow hidden beneath the Krakow of today.
Re-built Dwellings
They have re-built dwellings as found during the excavation.
Cooking Pots
They found lots of items during excavation which is all out o display. amazing how much survived.
They also uncovered lots of different human remains which have been beautifully preserved and displayed with dignity.
During excavation they also discovered several graves which have been left untouched which is wonderful.
A Horse!
During excavation they found the complete remains of a horse!!! The remains are right where they found them.